Two students talk together at a wooden table with a laptop
Hear the students behind the startups tell their stories

A culmination of months of work, four startups will compete in the 路易斯·H. 斯坦伯格创业大赛的最后一轮 2023年10月19日,他将获得25000美元的大奖. The Stumberg Competition is open to students with a desire to have a positive impact on the world. 

不适合胆小的人,那 Stumberg种子轮 和 澳门金沙线上赌博官网加速器 push student's dedication, perseverance, 和 passion. 见见这些了不起的学生. 

A portrait of WooJin汉, Marcos Morales, 和 Mollee Priddy


BFit is a team focused on bringing accessible fitness training 和 nutrition advice to users using AI. 由马科斯·莫拉莱斯的25人组成, WooJin汉, 26岁, 和Mollee Priddy ' 24, BFit brings students with diverse skill sets 和 a love of fitness to the Stumberg Competition.

Mollee Priddy’s fitness journey began four years ago when she was inspired to create BFit by the difficulties in accessibility she experienced with gyms 和 trainers. “If I can help even just one person in their health 和 fitness journey by providing a service that is affordable 和 accessible to anyone, 我会很幸运,很兴奋!她说。. 

WooJin汉, 一位来自韩国的国际学生, appreciates the opportunities the Stumberg Competition gave him to develop as an entrepreneur. “Before Stumberg, I didn’t have any experience in entrepreneurship. It was all new to me 和 challenging to try new things. Especially, as an app developer, there was lots of new stuff to learn 和 get adjusted to,” Han says. ”也, 在韩国, I cannot get experiences like the Stumberg because they don't offer students the opportunity to get real-world experience.“作为一名计算机专业的学生, 他能够在金融领域学到更多的东西, 管理, 业务, 会计, 和编程. 

类似的, the experience gave Marcos Morales a chance to learn about startups in a way he never was able to in his home country of Guatemala. “Even while coming from a developing country where opportunities were scarce, here I am now capable of giving it my all in the hopes of reaching thous和s to help them reach new heights in their fitness journey,他说, “我希望我的故事可以帮助激励新的企业家, help them take the jump of starting their new venture, 从而为他们的社区带来发展.” Working on BFit through the Stumberg has helped him think creatively about both entrepreneurship 和 his own future.

Cade Harger '25 discussed his startup Glass Brain with attendees of the Stumberg种子轮.

Cade Harger ’25 saw a gap in the way machine learning is taught. 他的创业, GlassBrain, uses a playground-style building block interface that allows students to quickly 和 intuitively experiment 和 design neural networks. 

Inspired by friends who also participated in Stumberg, Harger has experienced firsth和 the positive impact of the competition. 通过创建他的公司, he learned web development 和 machine learning skills that will be useful for his future career as well as entrepreneurship 和 marketing skills. “I hope GlassBrain gets people who use it to see the patterns that emerge in machine learning algorithms 和 helps them underst和 how they can be creative 和 innovate with them,哈格说.

James Ogunrin ’24 shows off a Beast Collection hoodie.

James Ogunrin ’24 strives to promote the “beast mentality” with his startup, 野兽系列, a sports 和 fitness apparel company providing customers with the finest high-quality athletic wear. Ogunrin has used his experience as a football player 和 a 业务 administration major with a concentration in marketing to create the Beast Collection. “I initiated this startup to provide athletes like myself 和 individuals with a br和 that embodies their relentless grind 和 unwavering commitment to greatness,他说.

索菲亚·奥尔蒂斯24岁的事, 好而有价值, was “inspired by a lot of the alternative healthcare practitioners who inspired me throughout my chronic illness journey 和 have helped me rethink treatment for my chronic symptoms.” Ashleigh Reese ’26 和 Ortiz’s startup is an app designed to provide a personalized wellness 和 lifestyle plan for each individual woman via a menstrual cycle-based lifestyle approach. 

奥尔蒂斯对女性健康充满热情, especially when it comes to alternative medicinal practices. “I hope that we can allow for women to become familiar with the concept of cycle-syncing in order to readdress their own needs in a world that isn't built for them 和 to help women reclaim the power that our bodies have,她说。. 

艾玛·乌青格,24岁 helps tell 澳门金沙线上赌博官网's story as a writing intern for 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 Strategic Communications 和 Marketing.
